are now being accepted.
See info below.
How to be Considered for an Expedition.
Visit our Contact Page and send us your contact information. Todd receives a steady stream of expedition requests. All requests are added to a waiting list. If Todd contacts you he will explain what you can expect and then the two of you will decide if you want to move forward with becoming an expeditioner.
Todd takes a small group of people that apply to be part of an expedition into the Canadian wilderness (an undisclosed location) for approx one week during the summer months. Here Todd presents the attendees (expeditioners) with the opportunity to eyewitness and/or interact with Sasquatch. The expeditioners are hand-selected by Todd to experience the breathtaking adventure that celebrities like Les Stroud, John Bindernagel and Jeff Meldrum enjoyed.
Your 7 Days/6 Night package includes:
All meals, snacks and beverages
All camping gear and equipment
Specialty cameras and recording devices
Emergency equipment
Transfer to and from Calgary Airport (YYC)
You are responsible to:
Bring your own clothing, hiking gear, and camera. Purchase your flight, travel insurance and health insurance.
$3500 USD
The expeditioners cover the cost of traveling to/from Canada and Todd covers the costs in between. Todd explains everything in detail to the attendees personally.
Because expeditions are in the wilds of Canada which are the homes to dangerous animals such as bears, mountain lions, elk, moose and snakes; expeditions are not for everyone. Todd will explain what to expect while in the bush and answer any questions you have if he contacts you.